Proper Care For Your Tattoos 

Here is some aftercare instructions for your tattoo. Contact us if you have questions!

  • After 1 hour, remove the bandage gently and wash with warm soapy water and antibacterial soap (do not use bar soap). DO NOT REBANDAGE.
  • Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor every 4-6 hours for the next 7-9 days. After 7-9 days, use a non-scented hand lotion like Lubriderm or Curel until the skin returns to its pre-tattoo condition.
  • Stay out of sunlight and tanning booths until tattoo is healed, at least 12-15 days.
  • Do not soak tattoo in a hot tub, sauna, Jacuzzi, or go swimming while your new tattoo is healing. Showers are fine. Wait at least 15 days before taking your shiny new tattoo for a swim.
  • Do not scratch or pick your tattoo while it is healing. Loss of color and infection could occur.
  • Extreme sun exposure will fade your tattoo. Feel free to contact your artist at the end of the summer for a touch up.
  • Your tattoo should heal in 1-2 weeks. Contact your artist if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: redness at site or area of tattoo, green or yellow discharge.

We're here to help! Simply call (414) 604-0100 if you need any additional information about the aftercare of your new tattoo.

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